

股票代码:002799 首页 关于环球 联系我们 发展历程 组织机构 集团荣誉 集团文化 集团简介 集团业务 医药包装 消费品包装 互联网精准营销 供应链管理 区块链业务 满意度调查 新闻中心 视频资讯 公益行动 媒体聚焦 行业新闻 集团新闻 社会责任 专题专栏 党建专栏 投资者关系 投资者互动平台 市场分析报告 定期报告 临时公告 职业发展 ISHARE 客户满意度调查问卷 Customer Satisfaction Evaluation Questionnaire 当前位置:首页 > 集团业务 > 满意度调查 > 客户满意度调查问卷 客户满意度调查问卷Customer Satisfaction Evaluation Questionnaire 尊敬的顾客: 非常感谢贵公司对环球印务的大力支持和信任.为了进一步了解客户对我公司服务的满意度状况,贯彻“诚信为本,客户至上”的服务理念,我们开展此次满意度调查活动。您的任何意见和建议都是我们持续改进的动力,并激励我们不断改善和提高,最终为您提供最优质的纸盒包装服务。 Dear Thank you very much for your great support and trust on our global printing company in 2017. To further understand the customer satisfaction and take the spirit of’’ integrity-based, customer first" principle, we carry out the satisfaction survey activities. Your any comments and suggestions are our power of continuous improvement and encourage us to constantly improve and enhance, ultimately to provide you with the best quality service of carton packaging. 请根据您的体验对以下各项进行评价(共分为6个等级,分值设定为非常满意5分、满意4分、一般 3分、不满意 2分、非常不满意1分、不涉及项目N/A,您可以选中相应的满意级别) Please evaluate belowing items as your feel( six classes, five points maximum and one points minimum(include one non-involve item),You can check the corresponding satisfaction level) 您的体验(your experience) 非常满意5famously 满意4satisfied 一般3general 不满意2dissatisfied 非常不满意1Very dissatisfied 不涉及项目N/A 标准定义(standard definition) 对于调查项全年表现很好,超出预期 The performance of all investigation items is better than expected 对于调查项全年表现良好,达到预期The performance of all investigation items achieve the desired result 对于调查项全年表现尚可,有需要改进的地方The performance of all investigation items is good in general, but there are areas still needed to be improved 对于调查项全年表现较差,出过1-2次严重问题,急需改进The performance of all investigation items is poor and had 1-2 times serious problems 对于调查项全年表现很差,出过3次以上严重问题,急需改进The performance of all investigation items is poorer and had 3 times or more serious problems 对调查的问题不涉及Does not involve the problem of investigation 调查内容带*号为必填项 * 1、您对我公司供货保障能力的整体印象是? What’s your overall impression for our supply security capacity? * 2、对我公司目前的生产周期,您的感受是? What’s your attitude towards our current production cycle? * 3、对我公司的送货周期,您的感受是?What’s your attitude towards our current delivery cycle? * 4、如出现质量问题或者其他突发事件,对您货物的使用造成延误,那么针对我们的应急补充以及应急预案,您的感受是?What’s your attitude towards our emergency supplement plan of sudden quality problem caused your production * 5、目前对我公司电子稿件制作的制作周期,您的感受是?What’s your attitude towards our cycle of making document? * 6、目前我公司新产品的打样周期,您的感受是?What’s your attitude towards our cycle of making new carton’s sample? * 7、对我公司接收、保管您相关编码(防混淆码,条码,电子监管码)的流程和安全性,您的感受是?What’s your attitude towards our process and safety of receiving and keeping your relevant code (preventing confusion code, commodity barcode, ESC code) * 8、对我公司今年的产品质量您的整体印象是? What’s your general impression for our product quality this year? * 9、对我公司纸盒颜色方面的印刷质量,您的评价是?What’s your evaluation for our quality of carton’s color? * 10、对我公司纸盒的表面处理质量(过油,覆膜等)您的评价是?What’s your evaluation for our quality of surface treatment(varnish, laminating)? * 11、对我公司纸盒的特殊工艺质量(烫印,击凸,盲文等),您的评价是?What’s your evaluation for our quality of special process quality(gold stamping, embossing, braille)? * 12、我公司印刷电子监管码的准确性及美观效果,您的评价是?What’s your evaluation for our accuracy and beautiful effect of printing ESC code? * 13、对我公司纸盒外包装箱的质量、箱签标识的准确性,产品质量报告等的准确性您的评价是?What’s your evaluation for our accuracy of the outside carton packing , label and COA? * 14、如遇到质量问题,对我公司的反馈及时性,您的评价是?What’s your evaluation for our reaction speed of treating quality problem? * 15、对于质量问题的纠正措施有效性,您的评价是?What’s your evaluation for our effectiveness of preventive measures? * 16、对我公司今年服务水平的整体印象您的评价是?What’s your evaluation for our overall service level? * 17、对我公司销售代表的专业水平,业务能力以及沟通能力,您的评价是?What’s your evaluation for our sales representative’s professional level, professional ability and communication skills? * 18、对我公司客服代表的专业水平,业务能力以及沟通能力,您的评价是? What’s your evaluation for our customer service representative’s professional level, professional ability and communication skills? * 19、对我公司生产/技术人员的专业水平,业务能力以及沟通能力,您的评价是?What’s your evaluation for our production/technicalpersonnel’s professional level, professional ability and communication skills? * 20、我公司销售人员是否定期向您介绍我公司动态、新技术研发、行业信息等?Whether my company sales staff on a regular basis to introduce you to my company dynamic, new technology research and development, industry information, etc? * 21、对您提出的一些产品、技术及服务需求,我公司所提供解决方案的有效性和及时性,您的评价是?What’s your evaluation for our effectiveness and timeliness of solving product technology and service needs? * 22、对运输车辆整洁及配送人员服务态度,您的评价是?What’s your evaluation for our transport vehicle’s clean and tidy and delivery staff’s service attitude? * 23、我公司提供的产品的性价比,您的整体感受是?What’s your general impression for our product’s quality and price? * 24、对于我公司产品的性价比在同行业中的合理性您的感受?What’s your impression for our rationality of product’s price? * 25、我公司销售代表是否针对您的包装特性提供了成本节约方案,您的感受是?What’s your impression for our saving cost solution plan according to your packing characteristics that our sale provided? * 26、对我公司通过采购策略和运营改善不断合理控制成本,您的感受是?What’s your impression for our cost control by means of purchasing strategy and improving operation? * 27、对我公司的创新能力,您的整体感受是?What’s your general impression for our innovation ability? * 28、对我公司给您提供的新产品,新技术的推广,您的感受是?What’s your impression for our company‘s development and introduction of new technologies and products? * 29、对我公司近年来提供的新技术发展(例如盒型方案/防伪方案等),您的感受是?What’s your impression for our introduction of new technology? * 30、为了保障供货安全我方提出的库存管理和发货管理方案,您的感受是?What’s your impression for our inventory management and delivery management scheme in order to ensure the supply security? * 31、对您提出的新技术需求,我们的响应速度以及解决方案,您的感受是?What’s your impression for our response speed and solutions of new technologies you proposed? * 32、对我公司在可持续发展方面的整体表现,您的评价是??What’s your evaluation for our overall performance of sustainable development ? * 33、在您来我公司参观和审计过程中,对比以前我公司的现场环境、设备保养等您的评价是?What’s your evaluation for our equipment maintenance and environment when you visit and audit our company ? * 34、您对我公司ISO9001质量体系运行有效性,您的感受是?What’s your impression for our operation effectiveness Of ISO9001 quality system? * 35、您对我公司ISO14001环境体系运行有效性,您的感受是?What’s your impression for our operation effectiveness Of ISO14001 environment system? * 36、您对我公司OHSAS18001职业健康安全体系运行有效性,您的感受是?What’s your impression for our operation effectiveness Of ISO18001 occupational health and safety system? * 37、如果有个朋友让您推荐纸盒印刷企业,您推荐环球的可能性是几分(5分非常愿意推荐,0分完全不推荐)?If you have a friend recommended the carton printing enterprise, recommend the possibility of universal is a few minutes (5 points is very willing to recommend, 0 completely is not recommended)? 环球印务对您公司的服务与您其他的供应商相比,您认为我们哪些方面需要持续改善,您认为那些技术或服务是我们未来改进的方向?Do you think which advantage other vendor is superior to our company? What do you think the technology or service is the direction of our future improvement? 针对您关注的问题和以往的服务,质量,您还有哪些建议和意见?What suggestions and advice do you have about your concerned the past service and quality? * 公司名称Company * 填 表 人Name * 职 务Position 电 话Tel E-mail * 验证码: 提交 本次调查采用网上调查的方式,请您填写好宝贵意见和您的联系方式后点击保存即可,如有建议需要电话沟通、或者提供其他文字资料的的请按照下面的联系方式联系我们,再次感谢您的宝贵建议。 This survey with the method of online survey, please fill out the valuable advice and your contact information and then click the save. If there are any suggestions need telephone communication, or provide other written materials in accordance with the following contact information .Thank you again for your valuable advice. 地址:西安市高新技术产业开发区团结南路18号 Add:No.18, South tuanjie Road,Hi-Tech Zone,Xi’an 西安环球印务股份有限公司 顾客满意度调查小组 收 Xi’an Global Printing Co.,Ltd 电话(Tel):029-88312020-2078 传真(Fax):029-88317910-0 邮箱(E-mail):[email protected] 邮编(Postal code):710075 Contact with Us 029-88312020 (+86-29) 88317910 陕西 西安 高新 团结南路18号 首页--> 医药包装 消费品包装 互联网精准营销 供应链管理 区块链业务 满意度调查 CopyRight © 西安环球印务股份有限公司 All Rights Reserved  陕公网安备 61019002002500号 陕ICP备2022000237号-1 权属单位 西安环球印务股份有限公司 天津滨海环球印务有限公司 陕西永鑫纸业包装有限公司 西安德宝药用包装有限公司 霍尔果斯领凯网络科技有限公司 北京金印联国际供应链管理有限公司 西安易诺和创科技发展有限公司 西安易博洛克数字技术有限公司 政府网站 国家药品监督管理局 陕西党建网 陕西省人民政府 陕西省国有资产监督管理委员会 陕西省药品监督管理局 陕西省工业和信息化厅 陕西省发展和改革委员会 共产党员网

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