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Making connections on LinkedIn is also a great way to build your professional network and form relationships with potential mentors. Career Consultant Anne Petersen provides these tips for making professional connections on LinkedIn: 1. Introduce yourself and draw a connection—or two Point out what you have in common, such as an alma mater, extra-curriculars, or similar internship experiences. If you are contacting an alumnus, start by saying “I see you earned your degree from Olin” or “I am a student at Olin Business School.” Then say “I came across your profile on the University Page. Like you, I am pursuing a career in ___.” Close by saying “Let’s stay connected on LinkedIn.” In your subsequent conversation, get to know your connection (and share your own background/ interests) so that you develop a professional and personal connection. 2. Seek counsel, not a job referral, when making connections on LinkedIn It’s important to get advice on things like how they found their job, what’s their function/ industry really like, and how they describe their company’s culture. Once your invitation to connect is accepted, you are a first-degree connection and can send a message. Start building a relationship by sending a message with these points: Subject: Thanks for accepting my invitation to connect. In the body of the message, write something like: “I see you currently work at ABC technology in ____. As I pursue a career in ____, I would like to learn more about your work and the company culture.” Or, alternatively, if you are working on a school project that is relevant to your new connection, say “I am working on a research project on ____ and would value your input.” Close by asking for a call or short meeting: “Do you have 15 minutes for a call next week? If so, any afternoon is good for me. Let me know when is best for you.” Remember: LinkedIn is a community that is for building relationships. If you ask for a job, you will certainly turn off potentially valuable members of your network. 3. Keep your communication concise Your contact probably gets hundreds of digital communications daily. Be sure to stay on point. 4. Write your introduction in a conversational way It shouldn’t sound like a formal cover letter or a casual note to a friend. If in doubt, share with another student or advisor in advance, to make sure it sets the right tone. 5. Commit to taking no more than 15-20 minutes of their time Acknowledge that they are busy and that you won’t take more than 15-20 minutes of their time. Let them know when you hit the 15 minute mark in your conversation, and they will typically offer to talk a bit longer. 6. Show courtesy Send a thank you expressing gratitude for the time your contact invested in sharing their experiences and providing advice. 7. Continue to stay in contact after connecting on LinkedIn Stay in contact with your new connection by sending pertinent articles, providing a progress update, or looping back regarding conversations with their networking leads. Anne Petersen is a career consultant at the Weston Career Center, specializing in marketing, innovation, and leadership training and assessment. Anne has industry experience in consumer package goods and advertising. About the Author Weston Career Center Weston Career Center ensures that Olin students are among the best-prepared candidates in the marketplace. It means having the abilities that give you a competitive edge – and helping you achieve results is a cornerstone of our mission. Get advice and practice your skills with our career advisors. As you direct your job search, the Weston Career Center staff is always available to coach and support you. Contact Us For assistance in finding faculty experts, please contact Washington University Public Affairs. Monday–Friday, 8:30 to 5 p.m. Sara Savat, Senior News Director, Business and Social [email protected]   Kurt Greenbaum,Communications [email protected] Twitter: WUSTLnews Share article Apply Now Visit Us Request Info One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 [email protected] 314-935-7301 News & Media Events Faculty Directory WashU Center for Career Engagement Washington University home Olin Links Sitemap Privacy Policies Title IX Accessibility ©2024 Washington University in St. Louis

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