

Advancing Social Work, Public Health & Social Policy Menu Academics Master of Social Work Master of Public Health Master of Social Policy Dual Degrees 3-2 Programs PhD in Social Work PhD in Public Health Sciences AIBDA Certificate Global Opportunities Field Education Faculty & Research Faculty Professors of Practice Research Professors Teaching Professors, Senior Lecturers & Scholars Visiting & Adjunct Emeritus Faculty Research Centers Faculty Recruitment Resources & Initiatives Professional Development Clark-Fox Policy Institute Community Partnerships Field Instructor Resources Driving Equity 2030 Open Classroom Advanced Learning Certificates Grand Challenges for Social Work News Most Recent News Alumni Students Social Work Practicum Public Health Policy Faculty Research Community Engagement Diversity Global Life at Brown Admitted Student Resources Life at Brown School Our Facilities Student Support Student Groups & Events Student Body Profile Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Career Engagement International Student Support Brown School Library Student Blog St. Louis Region Washington University Apply About Driving Equity 2030 Events Alumni Contact Us Brown School › Student Blog Brown School Student Experiences The breadth and depth of experiences that our students have during their time at the Brown School are unparalleled. Read firsthand from some of our students. Brown School Specialization: Learn More About Older Adults and Aging SocietiesBy Guest Contributor on February 7, 2023​Byline: Nancy Morrow-Howell  Today we are delighted to highlight the Brown School’s work with older adults and aging societies, and we’d like to share a little bit about our new specialization! We believe that all social work and public health students would be well served by learning about older adults and aging society, given current longevity and demographic trends. The Older Adults and Aging Societies specialization gives students across all the concentrations tools to serve clients, families and communities across the longer life course. The specialization provides students with expertise in working with older adults, their families and the service delivery systems for aging societies. It also prepares students to develop policy and program strategies to address the challenges and opportunities...Read This Story Exploring Research Opportunities at the Brown SchoolBy Alli Gillespie on March 15, 2021​Many graduate students choose to engage in research during their time at the Brown School. I knew I was interested in securing a part-time research job during my own application process, even though I wasn’t certain if I would pursue research as a career. I figured that a research role would allow me to deepen my knowledge in my field of interest beyond coursework and prepare me to confront the field’s major challenges throughout micro, mezzo and macro practice. So, when I didn’t get accepted for an exciting fellowship I applied to with Dr. Lindsay Stark, I was a little disappointed. Her work around gender norms, violence prevention, and displaced populations was a major reason I was interested in attending...Read This Story Finding Practica in Unlikely PlacesBy Sierra Debrow on March 2, 2021​Growing up in Charleston, South Carolina taught me that there is history all around us — sometimes it just means you have to be creative in the ways that you look for it. There is history in the big, sprawling oak tree in the middle of a park. There is history in the indentations in the concrete sidewalks from children’s handprints. There is history in the stucco-covered brick buildings that line the streets of my hometown. Living in Charleston also taught me that learning history, at its core, is not about memorizing important dates, but rather seeking out the stories of other people, and connecting those stories to the formation of the world we live in today. As I got older,...Read This Story Getting Outside in St. LouisBy Beth Gentsch on December 4, 2020​I like to think of a semester as represented by a graph with two peaks —I had to use the internet to figure out that this phenomenon does, in fact, have a name, and it is recognized as a “bimodal graph.” The first peak represents the initial first few weeks of classes—the first assignments, papers, group discussions. It could even mean engaging in a social work practice lab session where you realize, for the first time, that it’s possible to simultaneously feel that you have no idea what you are doing, yet that you somehow can do new things. The second peak hits deeper in the semester, when professors gently remind us that we are full-fledged graduate students, or when the first...Read This Story Who is the Typical Brown School Student?By Alexi Bolton on November 24, 2020​Choosing the right graduate program is about a lot of things – scholarships and funding, research opportunities, location, academic expectation, etc. You want to know what your life will look like over the next two years. For me, one of the most important parts of my day-to-day life is the people I’m surrounded by. In grad school, that’s even more important because we learn so much from each other in classroom discussions and casual lunch chats. With that in mind, I wanted to answer a question we get fairly often: Who is the typical Brown School Student?  Diversity in Every Area  Brown School students represent pretty much every demographic criteria. We’re all ages, all levels of work experience, and span broad spectrums...Read This Story Meet the Brown School Student AmbassadorsBy Alexi Bolton on November 11, 2020​Greetings from the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis. We are your Student Ambassador team, and we are here to answer any questions you might have about the application process, the curriculum or life at the Brown School. Read a little about us below.  (Bios below follow photo, from left to right) If you want to schedule a time to chat directly with a student ambassador, please contact [email protected]. We look forward to helping guide you through the graduate school selection and admissions process!  PEIYUAN ZHANG (SHE/HERS) Program: MSW Concentration/Specialization: Health/Research Hometown: Beijing, China About: “My research area of interest is palliative care education, health communication strategies and health policy for rare disease populations. My past direct practice was mainly about providing emotional, informational support...Read This Story Archives: Most Recent February 2023 March 2021 December 2020 November 2020 October 2020 January 2020 December 2019 November 2019 October 2019 June 2019 February 2019 January 2019 Quick Links: Apply About Brown School Contact Us Directions Academic Professional Integrity Policy Native Land Acknowledgement wustl.edu Keep Up with Our Latest News, Research and Insights: Support the Campaign: to Grow. to Lead. to Change. --> Founded in 1925, the George Warren Brown School was named with a generous gift from Betty Bofinger Brown in memory of her late husband. Copyright 2024 by Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis Washington University  •  One Brookings Drive   •  St. Louis, MO 63130

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